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Zombies vs Zombies

Zombies vs. Zombies is an innovative webnovel that began publication in March 2024 on the Neovel digital platform. It tackles current issues such as discrimination, racism and the abuse of power without weighing down the narrative, and presents the zombie apocalypse in a completely different way: in this story, Man (first the insurgent sorcerers, then Colonel […]

The Intrigues of the Chevalier d’Éon

The Intrigues of the Chevalier d’Éon, a webnovel blending historical romance and espionage with a touch of mystery, by Lucile Guyot, Zakaria Khali and Florence Da Silva, all based on a concept imagined by Stephan Boschat, co-founder and president of MAKMA studio and IKOÏ studio. While Lucile Guyot brings to life a historical romance steeped […]